
Golden Lion Casino

The banking methods that are available at Casino Golden Lion are, while not quite one of a kind, still nonetheless comprehensive. Any online gaming casino that’s worth its salt should have a comparable range of payment and withdrawal options. Even more importantly, you should be confident that all of your transactions will be safe while within the digital confines of the casino; to this end, the transactions are all digitally secured with multi-layer security methods such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), the trademarked security platform for the worldwide web and internet-related information transfer.

Making a Deposit at Golden Lion Casino

When making a deposit at Casino Golden Lion, you are always just a click or two away from the very capable and friendly support team - more on that below in another section, though. For now, check out the deposit restrictions and mechanism:

  • VISA credit card - The minimum amount accepted for deposits is $25, and the maximum amount at any single time is $1000; the good news is that your account is funded immediately when using this method.
  • MasterCard - the other major credit card that is very good for making deposits to your new Golden Lion Casino account. The numerical terms are exactly the same as they are for VISA; for obvious reasons (any advantage that one has over the other would be quickly erased by free market principles.
  • Bank Wire is an accepted method of deposit here; the least you can send via this avenue is $25 and the maximum amount is actually uncapped. The time for everything to go through, however, is often dependent on the specific policies of the relevant bank.
  • Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin - this method, specifically, is quickly becoming one of the most preferred methods of deposits around because of the sheer ease and popularity of Bitcoin. A minimum of $25 is there, and a maximum is unspecified - as many Bitcoin as you’ve got, apparently. Funding is instantaneous.
  • Neteller - this deposit method is good for a $25 minimum and a $1000 maximum; the funding is immediate for players hailing from the European Union.
  • Skrill from Moneybookers - has a $25 minimum and a $1000 maximum; with the funding process being instantaneous for European Union online casino gamers.
  • Paysafecard - this is another deposit source that caters especially to players from the European Union - although others can use it, too, of course. But you’ve got to have an internet address in the EU in order to get the immediate transfer to your Golden Lion Casino account. The lowest acceptable amount is $25 and the highest is $1000.

Withdrawals from Golden Lion

Although similar, the terms are different enough to require a different section elucidating the requirements.

  • VISA - the minimum amount that you can withdraw to your VISA credit card is $100; the maximum in any one week period is $2000. The payout request can take up to 7 business days to fulfill; although Casino Golden Lion is open on the weekends for gameplay, the payments processing system only activates between Monday and Friday
  • MasterCard - the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts are identical to those for VISA - again, for obvious free market economics reasons.
  • Bank Wire - an accepted - and often preferred - withdrawal method, in which the minimum amount is $100 and the maximum amount is $2000 in a calendar week - it also takes 7 business days to transfer fully.
  • Neteller - a $100 minimum withdrawal amount and a $2000 max within a week - as in, you can only take out this much once every week. If you win enough money at Casino Golden Lion, then, it could become like a second source of passive income for you.
  • Moneybookers Skrill - has a $100 minimum withdrawal amount attached, and a $2000 maximum.